M13 (1st attempt). Done a while back when I was learning. SBIG ST7-E/CFW8 with Meade filters.
Luminance only.
M3 Globular Cluster, or NGC5272.
In constellation Canes Venatici.
33,000 light years away. Magnitude 6.2.
Made up of about 500,000 stars and is estimated to be about 8 billion years old.
2.25 hrs. in LRGB.
Omega Centauri (NGC 5139).
Taken in New Zealand.
10-4 minute subs.
M3 Collaboration.
Bob Runyan took data he had on M3 and combined it with my data, and was able to get even more detail from this Globular Cluster.
M13 (2nd attempt). Done with a SBIG ST10-XME/CFW8a and Astrodon filters.
80 minutes in LRGB
M92 (or NGC 6341) in Hercules.
Apparent magnitude of +6.3
Approx. 26,700 light years away.
Age is approx. the same as the universe.
(About 14 billion years old)